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The Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall Needs Your Help

The Hall belongs to Aldeburgh through a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and became famous as the home of the Aldeburgh Festival for its first twenty years.

In 2018 we had more visitors to more events than ever before. Classical concerts of all sizes, jazz, tribute bands, stand-up comics, theatre of all kinds, craft fairs and events for local children and families. The Hall has been repainted, the box office improved, trustees and other volunteers give their time generously, but the Jubilee Hall still loses money and if nothing changes, will have to close.

No other town in the UK the size of Aldeburgh enjoys a hall like ours but unlike most regional venues, we receive no regular financial support. Despite occasional wonderful help from local businesses, individuals and the Town and District councils, we have no help with our running costs so cannot afford the full-time manager we need to develop the business and nurture events.

We are after your help.  Come to our events. Give us money or help us to find someone who can. Join our mailing list. Find out how you can help.

Without your help, one more feature of that which makes Aldeburgh unique will disappear.

  1. Support us

    If you would like to donate to the Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall, you can do so here. We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and it is thanks to the public that we can continue to use and restore this historical venue. For larger life time gifts or gifts by will or if you would like further information regarding developments of the Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall please contact the manager directly:
    £3,895.00 donated