2nd June 2020
Lyrical Lockdown with Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall
How Does It Work?
We know it’s been a tough few months for everyone and whilst here at Jubilee Hall we cannot reopen our doors just yet, we would love to hear from you all with a creative, musical compilation that we can share with our audiences.
That’s why we are asking you to gather safely as a group of friends or family, colleagues or classmates, to create and record you all performing a piece of music together – something that has lifted spirits and brought joy, during the pandemic lockdown.
There is no limit to the number of people who can perform in your group, nor their ages, so anyone and everyone can get involved in your Lyrical Lockdown. Please keep your production to less than 4 minutes long.
Did we mention the winning production will receive a generously donated voucher from Aldeburgh Fish & Chips?!
How To Enter
Please submit your recording by email to: manager@aldeburghjubileehall.co.uk Please also tag us on social media if you are uploading and posting your production on your own social pages:
- Facebook: @AldeburghJubileeHall
- Twitter: @AldeJubileeHall
- Instagram: AldeburghJubileeHall_
The closing date for entries is 5pm on Tuesday 23th June.
Good luck and here is some beautiful inspiration to get you going: