Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall benefits from Sizewell C Community Fund
We are delighted to announce we are among the first organisations to receive financial support from the Sizewell C Community Fund.
The fund is worth £23m in total and around £2m is being made available to local organisations each year for the next ten years. The money is being awarded to projects in the East Suffolk Council area which promote the economic, social or environmental well-being of the communities most impacted by the construction of Sizewell C, and which enhance people’s quality of life.
In the first round of awards, Jubilee Hall is among nine charities and not-for-profit groups that deliver services in the East Suffolk area that received grants totalling more than £300,000.
The £ 30,000 grant will be used to increase the diversity of performances at the hall, attract new audiences, and promote community cohesion.
Ann Barkway, Chair of Trustees, Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall said:
“We are grateful for the generous multi-year funding from the Sizewell Community Fund. This will play a key role in allowing us to put on a wider, more diverse programme of events at the Jubilee Hall. As a result, we can strengthen our work within the community, enhancing the inclusive initiatives that are so important to what we aim to do.”
Read the full announcement HERE.