october, 2024

Event Details
Thursday 31st October 2024, 10.00am to 4.00pm Doors open at 10.00am Entry is free and unticketed, but space is limited so there may be short waiting times at various points throughout
Event Details
Thursday 31st October 2024, 10.00am to 4.00pm
Doors open at 10.00am
Entry is free and unticketed, but space is limited so there may be short waiting times at various points throughout the day.
A free family event for Halloween. From witches’ frogs to coiled snakes, scary spiders and ‘mini-beast’ reptiles, you are invited to a Halloween gathering of fantastic beasts and exotic visitors from around the world. Come and meet an extraordinary collection ofmammals, invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians in a day-long ‘open-house’ with the opportunity to get close up to the animals and learn more about them from Our Animal World’s experts.
There will be a Curiosity Corner of reptile skins, feathers, skeletons, insects in resin, fossils and much more to be explored with our magnifying glasses and microscopes when you’re not getting close to these amazing animals. Dressing up encouraged!
Open to all, but we ask that any under 18s are accompanied by an adult at all time.
(Thursday) 10:00 am