12th June 2020
Please join us on our website at 7pm on Thursday 25th June as we bring you a very special online event to celebrate Independent Bookshop Week. Nina Nannar, Arts Editor of ITV News, will be interviewing acclaimed author Meg Rosoff, about her new book The Great Godden.
“The Great Godden arose from the memory of one childhood summer that seemed to last for years and that – only in retrospect – announced that childhood was over.” – Meg Rosoff
Everyone talks about falling in love like it’s the most miraculous, life- changing thing in the world. Something happens, they say, and you know …
That’s what happened when I met Kit Godden.
I looked into his eyes and I knew. Only everyone else knew too. Everyone else felt exactly the same way.
The interview will be available to view 7pm on 25th June either on our website Home page or on our Facebook page.
Signed copies of The Great Godden are available from Thursday 18th June from The Aldeburgh Bookshop so you have a week to read the book before watching the interview. Order now and get a free exclusive The Great Godden tote bag. There are early copies, weeks before the chain bookshops and other online retailers, so reserve your copy @ £12.99 by:
- Telephone: 07855 680911
- Emailing your order to johnandmary@aldeburghbookshop.co.uk